Friday, 9 September 2016

Friday 9th September 2016 Majorca

On the beach....

This holiday was a last minute decision before some upcoming hospitalisation, so was never going to be one of my "wildlife" holidays.

Still even from the luxury of a sun lounger the wildlife came to me.

The "lounger list" includes flybys of Osprey, Marsh harrier, Hoopoe, Grey Heron, and of course Audouins Gull.

Hotel wildlife has consisted of a Gecko sp, to be identified later.

Gecko sp
The weather has been consistently in the low thirties during the day and mid twenties in the evenings and nights, too warm for me...

Having not visited Majorca for over 20 years I had forgotten what a nice place it is, something I noticed, and to be honest anyone from the UK should notice, there is no litter and very little dog poo lying around, just compare this to my home patch, which frankly is disgusting.

Flight home is on Sunday morning, usual Blog will resume next week.

1 comment:

  1. Always impressed by Spain. Especially when it comes to dog waste.


ITVX an opportunity

  Bore da pawb Wel, mae'r wythnos wedi bod mor gymysg ag erioed, gyda tipio anghyfreithlon, difrod, ac ymddangosiad teledu, a hynny ddyd...