Friday, 11 December 2015

Friday 11th December 2015

A decent day today with a quick trip to WWT Llanelli, slim pickings though with totals of
Lapwing 236, B H Gull 200+, Wigeon 96+, Greylag 5, Peregrine 1

Down at Pembrey LNR a bit of a raptor fest with Red Kite 2, Buzzard 1, and Merlin ♀/imm
a few Ravens and the obligatory Stonechats.

Merlin ♀/imm, a very cropped long distance  digi shot

Red Kite, a very cropped long distance digi shot

ITV were on site filming the Sea Buckthorn clearance for a short Wales news programme.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Wednesday 9th December 2015

Another breezy day but it remained dry until dark.

The power of wind and wave is becoming increasingly clear on the fore dunes at Pembrey LNR, with huge losses of established dunes being replaced by the formation of embryonic dunes at beach level.

wind blown sand being deposited in front of the fore dunes

Work continues to clear Sea Buckthorn from a 1km stretch of the foredunes the resulting new habitat will benefit the many invertebrates which thrive in this apparently barren landscape.

The machine on tracks makes short work of older stands of Sea Buckthorn while the more nimble "Bobcat" reaches those parts others can't,

A flock of 69 Cormorants had gathered at the tide line early this morning.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Monday 7th December 2015

Storm Desmond, has had a real impact around the country, although here in South Wales we have escaped the very worst of it.

The height of the storm at Newgale in Pembrokeshire

Nonetheless there have been impacts such as continued erosion of the sand dunes at Pembrey so much so that there has been a real concern that the south east corner of field two would end up on the beach with the cattle escaping and possibly wandering off into the sea, a scenario which happen a few years ago with devastating consequences.

Interestingly despite losing several stretches of san dune there has also been a great amount of accreation of sand along the beach.

The fence was constructed by volunteers from MENCAP and we had a great day working together, an audience of 19 bullocks added to the entertainment but they soon wandered off to continue the great conservation work they are doing munching their way through the rough grasses.

A mixed bunch!

The start of spring, not for me. 1st March 2025

  Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus. Er, o safbwynt recordio meteorolegol, mae heddiw yn nodi dechrau'r gwanwyn mae'n well gen i aros am y equino...