Saturday, 17 October 2015

Saturday 17th October 2015

Busy today, so just time for a very short ringing session in the garden, it was worthwhile with two Black-headed Gulls and a Long-tailed Tit ( there were at least six on the feeders but the net had to be closed)

Black-headed Gull (on wing length of 318mm probably a male)

Long-tailed Tit, at this time of year they cannot be aged,
 as both adults and juveniles moult and replace all feathers

Friday, 16 October 2015

Friday 16th October 2015

Today was a session at Oxwich NNR with the Gower Ringing Group.

A calm overcast cool start turned into a cold, breezy overcast finish.

With 40 birds processed it was asteady session with highlights of Redwing (2) Siskin (2) and Lesser Redpoll (2).

Lesser Redpoll

Redwings were heard flying over just before dawn and we expected or hoped for a few more in the nets, the Siskins and Lesser Redpoll reflect the feeding that Owain carries out on the site and there was a decent flock of mixed finches around the "scrub" feeders at the end of the session (we were not ringing this area as it is being left for a bigger team on Saturday).

Tails and Wings can be the determining factor in ageing Siskin

Siskin Wing

Siskin Tail

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Thursday 15th October 2015

With the settled weather continuing, (high pressure and an easterly airflow) another session at Pembrey LNR.

I heard Redwing flying over on Wednesday evening so it seemed the obvious thing to do, play the tape and see what happened.

Redwing, the first of the Autumn
I caught two Redwing, an adult and a juvenile, a great result I hope there's more to come...

I also caught a "control" Reed Bunting, this is a bird ringed by another ringer at a different site, as it happens the bird was ringed on 23rd September 2015 at Oxwich NNR.

Reed Bunting ♂
All in all a steady three hour session with a total of 20 birds caught.

Monday, 12 October 2015

12th October 2015

With clear skies overnight and the temperature down to 5'c, and no breeze I set up for a session at Pembrey Burrows LNR.

With only three nets in play (two of which were a dogleg for pipits in a trial location) it was relatively quiet with only 11 birds ringed however more lessons learned.

Song Thrush (1), Dunnock (2), Robin (1) Wren (2) Goldcrest (1) Goldfinch (1) Meadow Pipit (3).

Song Thrush


Also noted were seven Ravens heading towards the beach, the ♀ Sparrowhawk, five Pintail, Seven Stonechat and a Buzzard.

Still a few flowers in bloom including Gorse or Furze, this spiky plant can flower in every month of the year, and of course lots of plants setting seed.


Dog Rose "hips"


Sunday, 11 October 2015

11th October 2015

I'm up to 28 bird species seen in or flying over* the garden at Llanelli since we moved in on 6th July 2015, its a long way off the 54 species at our old garden in the Cotswolds seen over 4 years.

After a slow start though I am beginning to build up number of individual species and now can have up to 15 Blue Tits, three or four Great Tits, two or three Coal Tits, a couple of Robins and the odd Dunnock; however a good count of 43 Goldfinches accounts for how fast the sunflower hearts are disappearing.

Goldfinches and Chaffinch

I should start to pick up a few waders as the autumn progresses, considering how close the estuary is.....

* birds flying in the "airspace" above the house.

The start of spring, not for me. 1st March 2025

  Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus. Er, o safbwynt recordio meteorolegol, mae heddiw yn nodi dechrau'r gwanwyn mae'n well gen i aros am y equino...