The Green-winged Orchids are spectacular at the moment with a good showing across the reserve.
The theme of today's event was "signs of Spring" and we had plenty to see.
A heads up from Bernie about a fall off Wheatears in Sandy Water Park a few miles east of the reserve. At Pembrey it was soon apparent there was a movement of birds and very quickly the numbers started to mount up, there were at least 20 birds on site with the majority being females, only three males were noted.
Staying with birds three Whimbrel which were quite approachable seemed to be newly arrived, a few Swallows passing through plus the mix of resident birds such as Stonechat, Meadow Pipit and Skylark made for a decent morning.
Whimbrel |
The highlight though came in the form of the GREEN HAIRSTREAK butterfly, with four seen on the food plant, Gorse,a stunningly colourful butterfly; a couple of Speckled Woods and Small Whites were also noted.
Green Hairstreak |
There wasn't much of a strandline on the beach so we didn't linger, but made our way back to the entrance, counting Wheatear on the way.