Bore da pawb,
An interesting week, especially my time with the team from the Seagrass Project; Homepage - Project Seagrass.
I forgot to mention that the previous week I attended an amazing workshop on Marine Invasive Non Native Species , MINNS, led by consultants working on behalf of Natural Resources Wales It was nice to meet a team who really know their stuff and more importantly Carmarthen Bay.
We met two amazing Cocker spaniels who are conservation detection dogs, which means they are trained to find by scent specific species in this case the Chinese Mitten Crab. Their owner also wishes them to detect Water Voles, so I've been asked to collect Water Vole poo and send off to her.....
I visited Penrhyngwyn Point to check on a report of Japanese Knotweed growing on the shingle bank, amazingly there is a robust stand of this tenacious invasive a job for my team..
I also picked up a few butterflies including a smart Small Copper. Plenty of Yellow Horned Poppy Plants along the shingle were great to see, the habitat is recognised as Coastal vegetated shingle, -Gro arfordirol gyda llystyfiant,- a protected habitat in Wales under section 7 of the Environment (Wales) act 2016.