Temperature 29th April - 27th May (only 24th -27th applies to Pembrey) |
Wind records 29th April- 27th May (only 24th - 27th applies to Pembrey) |
So in sharp contrast to yesterday, the weather is overcast, breezy and damp but not as humid as it was last night.
Well with a 9.0m tide, and no jet skiers this morning the marsh looked ad sounded great, with a nice selection of birds, Shelduck, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Mallard, Greenshank, and Redshank.
And the downside, well another member of the herd in F2 decided to go walkabout.... with some information from "Brian the fence" I located the escape point, the sand has built up along the barbed wire with only the top strand showing and a nice ramp either side it takes no effort to go for a wander. Luckily the stray beast walked back in so no chasing about but I thought some remedial repairs were needed, not easy on your own...
the temporary repair may hold them until Wednesday when I guess it will be a priority job.
Not even a hop and a skip... |
It may hold them |