Croeso pawb - welcome
One of the very well established "invaders" or invasive species is the Eastern Grey Squirrel from North America, another Victorian mistake, when in 1876 they were released into Henbury park in Cheshire. There is no clear consensus why they were introduced, maybe just to add a touch of exotic to Henbury Park?
Grey Squirrels are ubiquitous across the UK, and are accused of many environmental crimes including out-competing our native Red Squirrel and spreading the killer Squirrel pox.
My concerns lie with their habitat of stripping bark from deciduous trees especially the young of the year, usually before there are other foods such as acorns or hazel nuts about.
Where they strip one side of a branch is bad enough but at least the vascular system of the tree can still keep working, however stripping both sides or "ring barking a limb or sometimes the whole trunk is a death sentence.