I'm sure you all needed to know that little fact, but until then... another brief? touch of summer and another Strandline Beetle survey
Disappointingly only one beetle found today on the stretch checked, they do disappear in mid summer it seems.
There was plenty of other wildlife to see on this the first day of July with marbled Whites, Meadow Brown, Dark Green Fritillary, Small White and Small Skipper on the wing.
Dark Green Fritillary |
I found the Dark Green Fritillary feeding on Sea Rocket right down on the beach where the plant is putting on a real show, a little further back from the beach, Prickly Sow Thistle was equally impressive.
Sea Rocket |
Prickly Sow Thistle |
Spiders are usually evidenced by their webs, and so today I managed to find a female Nurseryweb Spider, Pisaura mirabilis, attending her newly hatched spiderlings.
Nurseryweb Spider |
An event in the Pembrey Country Park attracted over 1000 participants running an obstacle course! Well done to them I say......