As hoped for there was a smattering of Redwing in the first round with a couple of Song Thrush.
It was clear that there were good number Redwings flying over, but not as many as the huge flock of Starlings I saw flying in the far distant, an estimate would put the flock size in the high thousands.
A couple of steady rounds and then a hectic one saw a total of 49 birds processed, 43 new and 6 re-encounters, including a bird ringed by another ringer.
The reason for the hectic round was a small influx of Goldcrests and the interception of what appeared to be a mixed roving flock .
Male Bullfinch, aged as a 3 as it still had a few retained greater coverts |
I am grateful for the assistance of Veronica who "scribed" for the session, taking the pressure off processing and writing. Scribing is one of the most important jobs during a ringing session as the information gathered needs to be recorded accurately, they are also a great check when the ringer reads the ring numbers!
The morning looked like, Bluti-9, Goldc-9, Redwi-8, Lotti-6, Greti-4, Robin-3, Bulfi-3, Sonth-2, Dunno-2*, Blabi-1, Coati-1, Trecr 1
* one of the Dunnock was a control bird, ringed by the Gower Ringing Group at WWT Llanelli on 1st June 2017, as a bird of the year 3J.