When I arrived I was told my another visitor of a dead Grey Seal on the beach, I put that one on hold, it was dead and not going anywhere - hold that thought.
Arriving at Field 1 I could see 14 cattle should be 16, at the same time the 15 cattle in Field 2 were being a bit boisterous and bellowing....
I climbed the gate (at the hinge end) to count the herd in F1 properly 16 plus a new born calf!!!! that shouldn't have happened, but yes there he was, a lovely Welsh Black calf, suckling from his mum.
After informing the grazier who was totally shocked I went off to investigate the dead seal, arriving on the beach at CE53 to see one of the park rangers trundling down the beach in a tractor with the seal in the front loader to be buried out of sight, so I didn't get to see, measure or photograph it.