Baby boom Saturday 8th July 2017

With the warm weather continuing the horseflies were a real pest this morning so I beat a hasty retreat from the centre of the reserve, no point in being insect food and getting all swollen.... 

I picked up the litter from CE53 car park and filled a black bag with a selection of rubbish including some suspicious empty packets with a very "earthy" smell, cannabis! so with a combination of drugs, and drink, (judging by the cans and bottles also picked up) the idiots then must have driven home!

I was cheered up, after depositing the rubbish and recycling, to visit a confidential site and find THREE well grown healthy BARN OWL chicks they just need a few more weeks of peace and quiet before being ready to venture out on their own.

Barn Owls are a schedule 1 protected species, during breeding the breeding site enjoys the same protection afforded by the law.

Barn Owl chick (library photo)


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