Friday 2 June 2017

Beetles and Bees

Despite the damp and drizzly conditions I carried on with surveying for the Strandline Beetle on Cefn Sidan, this time between CE52 and CE51, I found another two individuals, brining the total so far to at least 12 individuals at fourteen grid references.

On the walk back though the dunes at CE51 I stopped to photograph some leaves which may or may not belong to the rare Round-leaved Wintergreen, or Sea Bindweed (awaiting confirmation) as I took photographs I spotted two familiar orchid spikes of the- BEE ORCHID Ophrys apifera,

Bee Orchid spike, note the twist in the stem

Although not in flower yet they are easy to identify, interestingly they are on ground which was "disturbed" by the winter Sea Buckthorn clearance.

I'll post more photos if they make it to flowering.....

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Showy Orchids Morfa Berwig Tuesday 30th May 2017

A few hours checking around the reserve at Morfa Berwig was well spent, the orchids are looking great, mostly Southern Marsh but possibly Early Marsh also, checking it out

There is a wealth of flowers on show at the moment with Ragged Robin and Ox-eye Daisy standing out.

Ox-eye Daisy

Southern Marsh Orchid

Ragged Robin

A few Common Blue damselflies were on the wing, but the only big "dragonfly" was a Four-spot Chaser ♂, near a fast disappearing ephemeral pool.

Four spot Chaser (cropped image)

The rogue horses seem to have disappeared and there's no obvious mess left behind.

Monday 29 May 2017

Beetle survey and more Monday 29th May 2017

Whitsun bank holiday Monday, great weather, overcast breezy with drizzle !!

With a high tide around 09:00 it seemed a good idea to make more of an effort to survey for Strandline Beetle, It was well worth the effort with EIGHT found today, under a mixture of natural debris, drift wood, pallet and planks and a couple under old tyres and plastic lids, and yes, a beetle was under one of the new refugia..

Strandline Beetle

A learning I think is that generally if the object cannot be moved with one hand because its buried in the sand then its unlikely there will be Strandline Beetles there either.

With the high tide the birds were concentrated with c2500 Oystercatchers, c300 Sanderling, many in summer plumage, and c10 Dunlin, all in summer plumage; at the eastern end of the beach.


I also found another DUNE TIGER BEETLE,  and a PAINTED LADY butterfly, as well as the spider, Arctosa perita a cute little thing complete with egg sac in a burrow under a piece of wood.

Arctosa perita

I bumped into fungi legend Dr Philip Jones and his wife who then kindly left a note on the van to say that the Lead coloured Puffball Bovista plumbea was making an appearance on the dunes.

Bovista plumbea, (photo from Wikipedia)

When I returned to the car park at CE53 I was greeted with a family happily loading two very large pieces of driftwood into their car, I engaged and educated, they were doubly embarrassed because the drift wood was part of a project set by the daughters school!!!!! I gave them a leaflet to take to the school.....

With the onset of a spell of drizzle I went and checked refugia No4, usually never anything to be seen until last Wednesday when a small Grass Snake was found, well today a much larger Grass Snake was lying curled up.. it soon made for cover though.

Grass Snake, Natrix natrix

Sunday 28 May 2017

Oh the irony of vandalism Sunday 28th May 2017

I didn't visit the reserve until this afternoon, and the car parks were quite full with an attendant amount of litter.... whilst picking, litter along the track to the beach at CE53 I couldn't help  but notice that the sign installed a few months ago with an assortment of information including "NO FIRES" had disappeared.

It didn't take long to find the remains of the wooden post and boards in a recently extinguished, large fire!!! oh well making a new one will give me something(else) to do this week.

On a brighter note a walk along the beach near CE51 revealed THREE more Eurynebria complanata, the Strandline Beetle, two were under an old car tyre and one was wedged in a crevice in a log, very encouraging....

A 9.0m tide driven by south easterly winds flooded almost all of the marsh

Saturday 27 May 2017

Crash Bang Wallop, Saturday 27th May 2017

Well no one can say the weather forecasters didn't say it may be thundery, but WOW what a storm in the early hours of this morning, practically unbroken lightening for nearly two hours, and the rain, 18mm recorded by the weather station on the information shelter.

Temperature 29th April - 27th May (only 24th -27th applies to Pembrey)

Wind records 29th April- 27th May (only 24th - 27th applies to Pembrey)

So in sharp contrast to yesterday, the weather is overcast, breezy and damp but not as humid as it was last night.

Well with a 9.0m tide, and no jet skiers this morning the marsh looked ad sounded great, with a nice selection of birds, Shelduck, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Mallard, Greenshank, and Redshank.

And the downside, well another member of the herd in F2 decided to go walkabout.... with some information from "Brian the fence" I located the escape point, the sand has built up along the barbed wire with only the top strand showing and a nice ramp either side it takes no effort to go for a wander. Luckily the stray beast walked back in so no chasing about but I thought some remedial repairs were needed, not easy on your own...
the temporary repair may hold them until Wednesday when I guess it will be a priority job.

Not even a hop and a skip...
It may hold them

Friday 26 May 2017

A day off OR NOT! Friday 26th May 2017

It's been quite a busy week, so with a great forecast I thought today would be ideal for a lazy morning before going out to Amroth  in the PCNP for a few hours  to sit by someone else's beach....

I ran the moth trap at home last night and caught a Scarlet Tiger and Poplar Hawkmoth, so after a late night I had a lie in....

 Scarlet Tiger

Poplar Hawkmoth

However, an early 'ish call from a regular visitor to the reserve alerted me to the presence of two water jet skis on the reserve, actually on the flooded marsh, this really is anti-social behaviour which needs dealing with, so....

I made my way to Burry Port Harbour to locate the said offenders sure enough another member of the public pointed out the two vehicles that had brought the jet skis then an "unknown" number appeared on my mobile, it was the Coastguard Co-ordination centre at Milford Haven, letting me know that they had received reports of the jet skiers but as it was not a "threat to life situation" couldn't respond (rightly so) but thought I should know, I think that was great interagency work, as they could just have ignored it..

Whilst waiting for the jet skiers to land in the harbour the phone rang again, this time it was .." Paul two of the cattle are out wandering around!", then the jet skiers arrived I spoke to, and  "engaged and educated" them then went off to find my "boys" but couldn't persuade them to move so I left that to the grazier...........

A big thanks to the original caller, a big thanks to HMCG for caring enough to call and a big thanks to the other visitor for reporting the escapee cattle.


Then I had a few hours at Amroth............

Thursday 25 May 2017

Worth the effort, Mothing Pembrey LNR Wednesday 24th May 2017

Last night, after along busy day, with good mothing conditions I went back to the reserve at sunset, beautiful time of day, and after body rolling under the barbed wire fence... I set up just to the north of the main track.

I stayed until midnight and had a nice variety of moths, with SMALL ELEPHANT, PALE PROMINENT, ELEPHANT, (3) COMMON CARPET, FOX MOTH AND PEPPERED MOTH, being the best.

Here are just a couple of photos...

Small Elephant Moth

Pale Prominent

End of Season Round up

 Bore da pawb Just a very quick reflection on the work that has happened during the summer season. It may turn into a bit of a list though. ...