Tuesday 16 May 2017

Something to do on a damp day Tuesday 16th May 2017

I like to keep the information in the shelter at Pembrey Burrows LNR, fresh and relevant.

I thought a few topical posters would be useful, so with no funds to buy anything I've set about making three, one each for Orchids, Butterflies and Sea Mammals.

I'm quite pleased with the result and as they are home produced are more relevant than a generic off the shelf publication.

Despite the damp conditions there was a good steady passage of Swallows this morning, with Gannets feeding offshore, always nice to see.

Don't forget the guided walk 10am on Saturday 20th May.

Monday 15 May 2017

April & May a few photographs 15th May 2017

A few photographs taken at  Pembrey Burrows LNR from the spring of '17

Green-winged Orchid


Common Morel

Cornu aspersum

Cepaea nemoralis

Theba pisana


Sedge Warbler

Feral Apple!

Dingy Skipper

Sunday 14 May 2017

Sunny Sunday 14th May 2017

At last a break in the weather gave a few millimetres of rain over the last few days and has really freshened the vegetation, another benefit of a change of wind direction, this morning the visibility was superb.

The fresher conditions brought out quite a few bird watchers and walkers (without dogs) who all appeared to want to have a chat which is great.

A nice selection of birds were on show this morning, with the usual Stonechats, Skylarks, and Meadow Pipits the obvious species, but a secretive Shelduck will require further investigation, as will the pair of Common Ringed Plovers I watched on the fore-dunes.

Common Ringed Plover, pretending not to be seen

Butterflies were keeping their heads down with the westerly breeze but Dingy Skipper and Small Blue were on the wing. 

Some unsettled weather in the coming week may make finding wildlife a challenge, but don't forget the ramble with a ranger on Saturday 20th May.

Friday 12 May 2017

I got a mauling Friday 12th May 2017

I'll come back to the "mauling" in a while, yesterday evening whilst having a late look at the reserve at Pembrey I was delighted to have a close encounter with a Badger.

We know they live on the reserve, we also know they are TB free, rarely seen due to their nocturnal habits seeing one out at dusk was great either a younger male or a female but either way it looked, turned and ambled off into a field.

Badger, Wikipedia photo

Now the mauling, I am carrying on with my Starling project, today using a 40' net as well as traps, when a low flying Lesser Black-backed Gull decided it wanted in on the free mealworms!

She, for on biometrics it was probably an adult female now carries a BTO ring, a wing of 405mm, and a head and bill length of 110.5mm.

Lesser Black-backed Gull

I've got one or two scars although the secret is to wait until the bird lets go of your flesh before pulling away..............

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Divide and conquer wednesday 10th May 2017

Today being Wednesday means one thing, volunteer day, when the other three stalwarts, Veronica, Brian and Neil turn out to tackle tasks and "monitoring".

Today we turned our attention to the main entrance area of the reserve, having removed part of the old wire fence a few weeks ago, it didn't take long for cars to be parked on the grassy area when the hard standing is full.

Neil helped out for a while before going off to do a breeding survey for Stonechat, one of the ubiquitous birds of sand dunes and heaths.

Digging in sand is great, however working on the edge of a tarmac road meant we soon found the going a bit tougher than usual but undeterred the replacement fence went in easily and even more satisfying is the fact that apart from any nails, all materials were recycled from "old unwanted waste wood".
Brian hard at work

Finished? I may tweak it a bit more!

After lunch Veronica set off to look for the Strandline Beetle which should be emerging from hibernation anytime now? or not as seemed the case. Brian and I kept tweaking the fence!

Neil had a great time as well as finding eight pairs of Stonechat in the areas he surveyed he also had the following butterflies, SMALL BLUE, GREEN HAIRSTREAK, DINGY SKIPPER and SMALL HEATH, as well as MOTHER SHIPTON MOTHS.

Stonechat ♂

Without the help so freely volunteered much conservation and access work, both here locally  and across the UK just would not happen.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Dry and sunny, the week so far Tuesday 9th May 2017

The dry spell of weather continues, the reserve at Pembrey is very dry and the Green-winged Orchids are not at their best, a spell of gentle rain would freshen the vegetation and breathe some life into the dune flowers.

Butterflies are on the wing, despite the strong winds at the weekend, with SMALL HEATH, and DINGY SKIPPER being new for the year.

Dingy Skipper, there's always a piece of grass in the way!

Despite many species of bird on eggs or feeding young there's quite a bit of song still to be heard through the day especially the scratchy notes of the Common Whitethroat.

Seven new cattle are now in F2, they are still quite curious as some of them can barely see over the fence, but I bet they could jump it if pushed... the over winter grazing in F2 and F3 has benefited the wide range of flowering plants and as the season progresses they will be a riot of colour; we have a few flower walks planned so don't forget to put a note in your diary:

24h June  for summer flowers and 26th August for Saltmarsh flowers.

Quite a lot of work to get on with over the next few weeks keep watching....

I'm getting back into the Starling RAS project I started last year, just need Starlings really.... keep a look out for colour ringed birds in the Llanelli area, below is one of todays birds.

♂ Starling, green ring white letters KBJ

Friday 5 May 2017

Back in the swing of things Friday 5th May 2017

Well three days back home and well into the swing of things.

The first job was to make the long awaited door for the information shelter, with the aim of reducing some of the rain being blown in on a South Westerly!

I'm quite pleased with the result considering I can't draw a straight line let alone saw one, built, painted and installed.

Quite quiet on the bird front breeding well under way and in the stiff North Easterly/ Easterly of the past few days not surprising that the best birds were two SWIFTS

Common Swift (photo from Wikipedia)

But male Emperor Moth was a nice find, notice the "feather like" antenna, used to detect the pheromone emitted by the female moth

Emperor Moth ♂ (note the large feathery antenna)

End of Season Round up

 Bore da pawb Just a very quick reflection on the work that has happened during the summer season. It may turn into a bit of a list though. ...