Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Gone Batty, Tuesday 20th August 2019

Yes, I'm still here....

Monday evening saw the team at Pembrey Country Park lead one of our very popular Bat and Night Wildlife Walks.

We set off with 18 guests and hadn't walked more than a few metres from the new restaurant when Common Pipistrelles appeared.

A walk across open ground and back into some woodland near the Ski & Activity centre found more Pipistrelles, one or two swooping low above the heads of the captivated guests, much to the delight of the children in the group, some of the parents were not so keen....

With the Bat Detectors set to various frequencies, to make sure we picked up, as many species as possible, everyone was amazed as on of the detectors started "whistling and warbling" with the unmistakable sound of Greater Horseshoe Bat..... 
follow the link below to hear the unmistable echolocation sounds 


The distinctive "splat" sound and sight of a large high flying bat was our third species in the form of a Noctule

We suspect that we also picked up another Pipistrelle speices, the Soprano Pipistrelle giving us our fourth species for the night.

We had put out two moth traps but the cool and breezy conditions did not produce anything of real interest.

A very satisfied group returned to the restaurant at around 10pm.. another succesful evening.

We plan on holding another three events in the next few weeks, keep an eye on the Pembrey Country Park website as well as facebook and Twitter

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