Sunday, 7 July 2019

Llanelli coast garden Wildlife 7th July 2019

It's exactly four years since we moved to Llanelli, so much has happened in that time; not least is the number of new friends I have made, a great bunch of people many of them experts in their field, and many like-minded people.
I've retired, volunteered and now have a dream job working in the Outdoor Recreation Service with more conservation thrown in than many realise, I just wish getting older didn't come with so many ailments!
Recovering from my first encounter with Gout I have spent a few days looking at the wildlife in our small garden, with a bird list of just 38 species it's not the best garden for birds. 

A quick mention about work, check out the Facebook pages of Pembrey Country Park for July walks, the August and September walks and workshops will be advertised soon, (book online)

The pond had been more successful with Palmate Newt, Smooth Newt, Common Toad, Common Frog (both now disappeared) and a range of damselflies with Common Bluetail, Common Blue being abundant whilst Large red made an appearance for the first time this spring. Three years ago Common Darter emergence was amazing but not a single one since, maybe the newts are to blame.

Yesterday I paid close attention to some insects, I only have four Imperial Lily plants but the dreaded bright red Lily Beetle, Lilioceris lilii has found them and decimated the plants.

The Ichneumon wasp, which has newly appeared is awaiting a positive identification but provisionally is Ichneumon stramentor

The hoverfly is Scaeva pyrastri, unless anyone wants to correct me!

Along with a host of Spiders including the very formally named Long Jawed Orb Spider, now the Common Stretch Orb Spider Tetragnatha extensa, which cleverly spins its web over the pond.

Butterflies are reasonably represented but a Small Skipper, Thymelicus sylvestris yesterday morning was a surprise.

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