Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Wader migration Wednesday 2nd August 2017

The weather is stuck in a bit of a rut with a run of low pressures rolling in off the Atlantic, bringing wind and rain, this autumnal feeling weather fitted well with the obvious movement of waders on Cefn Sidan today.

Several species of waders, with c300 Sanderling, 100+ Dunlin, good numbers of Ringed Plover and two Turnstone were present with the Sanderling and Dunlin in a mix of summer and autumn/winter plumages while the Turnstone were looking bright in their colourful tones.

Turnstone, turning seaweed!

We drove most of the beach looking for reported bird corpses, as it was we only found two Gannet, one Great Black-backed Gull and an unidentified gull corpses, we checked for rings but none were found.


A new sign at the entrance of the Pembrey reserve should make for easier reading.... and we also looked at the nest boxes for Morfa Berwig reserve so that they are fit for purpose.

1 comment:

  1. I think it was a dead gannet I saw down at tide level 100 metres on the right along the approach to Pembrey pier, just before the wall begins. I didn't think about rings. I might go and have another look. I also saw a dead adder the other day up at Tywyn Bach, around the edge of the lake nearest the dredger. I was sorry to hear about the dead seal on Cefn Sidan. On Saturday and Monday I was swimming with a live Grey Seal at Bae Bach. Very friendly, dives and surfaces right next to me and comes when I whistle. I took a football down there today in the hope that I can train it to play ball with me, but it didn't show up. Perhaps it prefers rugby.


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