Friday, 24 February 2017

Saving the beetle part 2 Friday 24th February 2017

Well Storm Doris has left us relatively unscathed, there has been no damage caused on the reserve, in fact she has done some good with a lot of drift wood now exposed on the beach as well as a few new inundations of sand into the embryo dunes, all making more habitat available to The Strandline Beetle when they emerge from hibernation.

Top, a new area of sand blow inundation
Below,  a lot of drift wood has appeared after the storm

As well as relying on nature I have posted the Welsh Governments advice notice regarding the beetle and driftwood on our beaches; it's worth remembering of course that Cefn Sidan Beach has the full protection as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

We can but try!

With a huge improvement in the weather today I saw or rather heard my first queen Bumblebee, (she flew into the side window of the van). It was probably a White-tailed Bumblebee Bombus  lucorum, (thanks Barry)

First Bumblebee of the year, The White-tailed Bumblebee.


  1. I look forward to more reports on how things progress with the Standline Beetle at Pembrey this year. It really is great that you're there keeping an eye on things. Keep up the excellent work Paul. PS. that is a very white and clean 'bum' on that bee, which I suspect is probably Bombus lucorum

    1. Thanks Barry, Everyone is keen to do what we can for the beetle, I did an interview on BBC radio Wales on Wednesday but as usual they cut out the important part. a re the bee, I was being brave and should have stuck with my usual White/Buff complex comment


A fishy tale....

  Helo bawb, diolch am gymryd yr amser i ddarllen blog yr wythnos hon. Mae wythnos wych ar ôl treulio ychydig ddyddiau yn yr awyr agored ac ...