Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Wednesday 24th August 2016

You just never know what will turn up.....

I was just pottering along in the van this morning thinking about the day ahead when it occurred to me that there were quite a few birds in the scrub along the track to the information shelter.....

Then a bird flitted into view and landed in front of the van  and flew straight back up into the bushes, it took a few seconds for it to register that the bird was in fact a Pied Flycatcher, a ♀ type and a cracking record for the reserve.

Pied Flycatcher, record shot

The rest of the day was spent with the "Wednesday Crew" doing a range of tasks that seemed to involve a fair bit of dog poo!!!!, as well as rummaging through refuse skips for useful objects like an old bath.... (water trough for cattle).

On the wildlife front a Barn Owl box with a Honey Bees colony in residence was a startling sight, just as well we didn't have a ladder to check the box.

The sight of two quad bikes emerging over the top of the dunes brought smiles, (of course we were smiling not the idiots on the quads)....there is never a dull  moment in the countryside..

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