Wednesday's are usually volunteer day, but with holidays and a lack of jobs there seemed little point in dragging the team out.
We have had two lads on work experience in the country park so I was asked to give them a tour of the Pembrey Burrows LNR, the plan was a reptile survey and then a Strandline Beetle survey.
The reptile survey was disappointing, even at 09:30 I think it was too warm and most reptiles had warmed up and were already on the move, we did however find a GRASS SNAKE about 40cm long, and a WOOD MOUSE.
The survey for the Strandline Beetle was even more unproductive with none seen, this is the second unproductive survey this season.
We did however find a genuine "message in a bottle", with a bit of trouble including a finger well and truly stuck we managed to retrieve and read the rather sad message, a little too sad to publish on the blog.
On a brighter note we noticed a good number of the daytime flying, SIX SPOT BURNET MOTHS on the wing as well as a caterpillar starting to spin a cocoon, the photos illustrate the sequence of events.
Caterpillar starting to spin a cocoon |
A fresh cocoon |
An older, faded cocoon, from which an adult moth has emerged,
see the two black "horns"
Adult Six-spot Burnet Moth |