Winds of change.............
Well almost, a day of varying temperatures caused, apparently, by a trapped pool of cold air whisked across us from central Europe.
Today was a day of tasks!, well again sort of, we managed to revisit a stile that needed a bit more work, put in some sign posts and collected a supply of fence posts from the far end of the reserve.
It was a "surprise" to some that the tide was in, well here's a secret it happens twice a day!, seriously we usually miss a decent tide on task days so it did make a change especially when Neil spotted an Atlantic Grey Seal "bottling" in the estuary.
Atlantic Grey Seal |
Despite having heads down we managed to notice the two Kestrels (they are not a pair, as the female is an immature bird probably hatched this year, the male is a sub-adult) that now seem to be resident on the reserve, I suspect they will spend the autumn and winter with us then move off to breed in the surrounding area as we don't have anywhere suitable for them to nest. YET!
Common Kestrel |