Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus.
Er, o safbwynt recordio meteorolegol, mae heddiw yn nodi
dechrau'r gwanwyn mae'n well gen i aros am y equinox vernal ar 20 Mawrth eleni.
Mae 'na ddigon o aeaf i redeg eto er gwaetha'r gwanwyn fel dyddiau'n hwyr.
Mae hi wedi bod yn wythnos brysur sydd wedi golygu gweithio
gyda'r tîm gwych o wirfoddolwyr yn trwsio ffensys ym Mhyrddiau Pen-bre ddydd
Llun, ddydd Mercher fe welodd Veronica a fi yn gwirio safleoedd addas i osod
reugia artiffisial ar gyfer Strandline Beetle ar Gefn Sidan fel rhan o brosiect parhaus
Natur am Byth; Fe wnaethom gyfarfod â Swyddog y Prosiect ddydd Gwener i
gadarnhau'r manylion. Byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi sut rydym yn symud ymlaen.
Although, from a meteorological recording view, today marks
the start of spring I prefer to wait for the vernal equinox on the 20th of
March this year. There feels like plenty of winter to run yet despite the
spring like days of late.
Strandline Beetle |
It’s been a busy week which has involved working with the
great team of volunteers fixing fences at Pembrey Burrows on Monday, Wednesday
saw Veronica and me checking suitable sites to place artificial refugia for the
Strandline Beetle on Cefn Sidan, as part of the continuing Natur am Byth
project; we met with the project officer on Friday to confirm the details. I’ll
let you know how we progress.
My translation may be a bit ropey this week some big words used !
A few Sand Martins have already been recorded at Sandy Water Park in the last few days and an early Sandwich Tern was seen on at on the coast on 16th February
Sand Martin - Bird-Guides |
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