Sunday, 2 February 2025

How it all started.


Croseo pawb,

Rwyf bob amser wedi bod â diddordeb dwfn yn y byd naturiol sy'n cael ei feithrin gan fy rhieni a brodyr a chwiorydd. Dylanwad mawr arna i oedd cyfres Ladybird o lyfrau, yn enwedig y tymhorau. Faint o ddarllenwyr hefyd oedd â'r llyfrau hyn yr oeddynt, yn eu hamser, y llyfrau mwyaf hygyrch ac rwy'n ddyledus iawn i'r awdur a'r artist.

Diddorol yw darllen rhai o'r sylwadau yn y llyfrau ac adlewyrchu sut mae ein byd naturiol wedi newid; Er enghraifft, cyfeirir at y telor cyrs fel "ymwelydd sy'n pasio i Loegr yn unig" pan ddechreuais wylio adar yn iawn Ystyriwyd bod Pwll Cynffig "ar eu terfyn gorllewinol o'u hystod" nawr maent i'w gweld ledled y wlad.


I have always had a deep interest in the natural world fostered by my parents and siblings. A big influence on me were the Ladybird series of books, especially the seasons. How many readers also had these books they were, in their time, the most accessible of books and I owe the writer and artist  a huge debt of gratitude.

It is interesting to read some of the comments in the books and reflect how our natural world has changed; for example, the reed warbler is referred to as “only a passing visitor to England” when I first started birdwatching properly Kenfig Pool was considered to be “on their western limit of their range” now they are found across the country.

I hope I haven't pushed my Welsh translation too far this week!

Despite still being in winter now is the time to start looking out for Frogs and possibly Toads being out, Frog spawn could be anywhere there is a pool of water whilst toad spawn will need water with some depth. As long as the weather doesn't turn "beastly" the spawn should survive. As I mentioned recently any area with Frogs or Toads could turn up the feeding signs of Otter, Polecat or  Mink all of which enjoy "frogs legs"

I recently watched a film on YouTube, Europe's lost paradise -The untold story of Hollands wild side, a great watch with a feeling of "why can't we have more of this in the UK- well worth a watch.

Something to watch out for, (a bit early yet but soon)

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A fishy tale....

  Helo bawb, diolch am gymryd yr amser i ddarllen blog yr wythnos hon. Mae wythnos wych ar ôl treulio ychydig ddyddiau yn yr awyr agored ac ...