Thursday, 19 March 2020

Summer migrants arriving Thursday 19th March 2020

I've been working from home for a few days and have managed to get out and about in Sandy Water Park.

Very few waterfowl about with only five Mute Swans this morning, a few Gadwall and Mallard. Pochard are down to a single male. 
Two Cormorants were on the "island" both just getting into breeding plumage, note the white neck and thigh patches.

Yesterday a distant flock of eight Sand Martins, my first summer migrant, this morning well over 50 were feeding low over the lake despite the chilly breeze, a single Chiffchaff was calling from the woods.

Sand Martins are colonial hole nesters and have nested in the pulverised ash cliffs around Burry Port for many years, a good place to see them, if you find thye are nesting then let me know

Gulls were present with c100 Black-headed, a pair of Lesser black backed and around 10 Herring Gulls, a confiding Grey Heron near the pub and a Little Grebe.

Please note, during this time of uncertainty, whilst the Country Parks remain open all facilities are closed until the end of May, keep up to date on our website,

In other news I am on TV tonight, ITV Wales, Coast & Country at 8:30pm? the time keeps changing.

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