Wednesday, 2 May 2018

NATURE, red in tooth and claw, Wednesday 2nd May 2018

I was joined by Wednesday gang members, Veronica and Neil for what turned out to be an interesting day.

We started by cutting reeds for Pembrey Primary forest school, they have a structure they wish to thatch. (There were no signs of any bird activity in the small area we cut) to be honest we've left it a bit late it has not been possible to get into the reedbed to do any cutting due to the high water levels as such the quality of the reed has deteriorated during the winter, I'm sure the pupils won't mind.
Cut reed, ready for thatching!

A wander over the dunes looking at the Green-winged Orchids and finding Moonwort on the way took us to the beach where we then did a recce of the eastern end of the beach around "the nose" prior to a planned litter pick on Monday 14th May, today the beach and "the nose" were very litter free but still enough work to keep a few people occupied on the day.

Unusally litter free (ish)

As we wandered back towards the salt marsh I heard and saw a commotion caused by a carrion crow and a few gulls harassing a Peregrine, the Peregrine was taking no notice and made a dash for a Little Egret, after a thwarted attack the peregrine landed on the sand bar to "gather its thoughts", the Little Egret remained frozen to the spot on the edge of the water.

After a ruffle of it's feathers the Peregrine, probably a sub-adult female, launched another attack on the seemingly doomed Egret, and so it was, despite a gang of LBB and Herring Gulls showing their disdain for the falcon, a few flaps of white wings and the Egret was subdued, the Peregrine started to pluck the feathers from the Little Egret, presumably while it was still alive....
Herring Gull waiting for scraps from the Peregrine

Thanks to veronica for todays photographs

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