Carmarthenshire Local Nature Reserves
July 14th, The flora of Mynydd Mawr woodland park, a former coal site, 10am - 1pm.
August 11th a Saltmarsh tramp, Pembrey Burrows LNR 10am - 1pm
Environment and Biodiversity team
Taith gerdded i ymweld Pyllau Cochion a Mynydd Bach gael gwybod mwy am gynefinoedd cors arbennig hyn
Gorffennhaf 26fed 16:30
Wonderful Wetlands!
A walk to visit Pyllau Cochion and Mynydd Bach Commons to find out more about these special bog habitats
July 26th 16:30
• Byddwch yn ymweld â dwy gors allweddol ger Brechfa -sef tiroedd comin Pyllau Cochion a Mynydd Bach -yng nghwmni aelodau Prosiect Corsydd Sir Gaerfyrddin.
• Bydd cyfle i ddysgu pam y mae'r corsydd hyn yn helpu i gadw ein traed yn sych, ac i ryfeddu at eu bywyd gwyllt.
• Man ymgynnull -Pyllau Cochion SN498 268
• I gael rhagor o fanylion, cysylltwch â'r Swyddog Bioamrywiaeth: 01558 825390;
• Cofiwch wisgo esgidiau glaw.
• Join members of the Carmarthenshire Bogs Project to visit two important bogs near Brechfa –Pyllau Cochion and Mynydd Bach Commons
• Find out more about why these wetlands help keep our feet dry and the fascinating wildlife that lives there.
• Meet at Pyllau Cochion SN498 268
• Contact Biodiversity Officer for more details: 01558 825390;
• Please dress appropriately –boots/wellies essential!