Wednesday 27 September 2017

Wednesday 27th September 2017

A completely different day, weather wise, to yesterday with a stiff breeze blowing and an outlook of rain to come.

The team took to the beach to collect up bags of litter already collected on previous litter picking days, someone had got there before us for one lot, but at the western end of Cefn Sidan the bags still waited to be collected.

Then a spot of lunch in the van whilst sat watching the seascape and putting the world to rights....

There were some decent numbers of birds on the beach with a nice range of species including, Oystercatchers, Dunlin, Sanderling, three Bar-tailed Godwits, c6 Sandwich Terns and a single Ruff,  as well as the usual array of gulls

Sandwich Tern

Back into Pembrey Country Park where we collected Willow and Birch branches for the local primary schools' "forest school".

A couple of Spindle shrubs were really showy with their fuchsia pink and deep orange seed heads, really brightening up the forest track.

We dropped off the branches at the school where they were received with huge enthusiasm from the pupils and teaching staff.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Ouch.. Tuesday 26th September 2017

Ouch, I recently had an argument with a piece of wood, the wood won! Four broken ribs later and I can laugh about it just!!!

This morning looked like the last settled morning for a while so despite the ribs I set up for Skylarks on the reserve.

This mornings ringing site

An overcast almost windless morning, with just 140ft of net set it was great to find three Skylarks in the net in the first round, on wing length a male and two females, both adult and juvenile Skylarks undergo a complete moult in the summer so at this time of year its considered difficult to age them so they are lumped as BTO code 2.


Diagnostic hind claw

The rest of the morning was fairly slow with good numbers of Goldfinch and Linnet flying around as well as at least two Sparrowhawks and a Merlin. Only a few birds were caught until I played the Meadow pipit call on the tape and the birds just flooded in to the area with 10 caught.

A Sparrowhawk got caught in the net but by the time I hobbled over it managed to wriggle free, next time!!!

Three fly over Canada Geese were new for the year.

rangernaturenotes, new name

The new name of the blog is

seems more appropriate


Sunday 24 September 2017

Change of name Sunday 24th September 2017

I'm thinking of changing the blog name / address  native wildlife research was the name I used for an old website.
I'd like a simpler name ideas welcome

Saturday 23 September 2017

Sea watch event Saturday 23rd September 2017

The last of the programme of events for Spring/Summer 2017, saw a hardy few gather to stare out into Carmarthen Bay on an overcast damp morning with a steady south to south east wind blowing.

There was little variety but decent numbers of expected birds for the time of year, 
Gannets stole the show with well over 100 feeding off Burry Holm, accompanied by again over 100 Kittiwakes and at least two Arctic Skuas which could be seen harassing the gulls.

Arctic Skua


Other species included, bar tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Sanderling, Oystercatchers, Common and Black headed Gull.

Bar tailed Godwit

Keep checking for details of any autumn/winter event, with autumn now officially here, it's certainly all change on the bird front, so expect to start seeing/hearing wintering duck; Teal, Wigeon, and Pintail on the marsh, along with Snipe and possibly Jack Snipe.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Strandline Beetle last survey of 2017 Thursday 21st September 2017

Well I'm planning that todays survey will be the last of 2017, but lets wait and see.

Only one section was left to do today, the eastern end of Cefn Sidan in the nature reserve, sadly not one beetle was found, given that there was very little surface debris I wasn't surprised still it was disappointing.

On a slightly brighter note there was hardly any plastic on that stretch of beach.

What was lacking in beetles was made up for by the large flocks of Goldfinches and Linnets, busily feeding on the fast seeding dune plants, as well as amongst the strandline.

A great afternoon to be out, even though it was supposed to be a "day off"!.

The survey area, divided by the red lines, green dots show best areas for Standline Beetle, full report will be in the annual review

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Sycthing Wednesday 20th September 2017

In conjunction with Bumblebee Conservation our little team of volunteers the local BCT officer, Sinead, and Simeon our conservation officer, took part in a training session on Scything.

A happy team

I am a bit of a convert having seen Veronica swishing through our Snipe refuge area a few weeks ago.

Paul Thornton from the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales facilitated in a simple straightforward way.

Listen up!

The scythes are all brand new from Scythe Cymru near Carmarthen and are nothing like the tool I first used over 30 years ago, which had a blade of bonded cast iron and was so heavy it put me off the utopic idea of "mowing a meadow".

We covered the assembly, personalisation, honing (sharpening) and techniques involved before lunch then we got stuck in to some easy sward before tackling what Paul described as "not the best sward to learn on" but we soon developed a technique which worked and delivered results.
The tough Sward
At the end of the session everyone was impressed by the quantity of "arisings" that needed to be raked up and removed.
a few bales worth of arisings

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  Hello, I didn't write anything last week as there was not a great deal to report on, this past week has been almost equally as quiet b...