After breakfast we set out to the aptly named Kalloni Raptor Watch Point, where we picked up GOSHAWK, SPARROWHAWK, SHORT-TOED EAGLE, COMMON BUZZARD BLACK STORK AND RAVEN.
A short drive saw us at Kavaki where RUPPELLS WARBLER, SUBALPINE WARBLER, and TURTLE DOVES gave really good views.
Turtle Dove |
a very distant Rupells Warbler ♂ |
We called in to the reservoir at Persama gave us an out of place WOOD SANDPIPER, and 2 RUDDY SHELDUCK.
A superb lunch at Molivos Castle, with everyone replete saw us head back south to Achladeri, where KRUPERS NUTHATCH were feeding young at an accessible nest site. Everyone had great views and we left happy. The next bird was surprisingly a "WOOD" NUTHATCH, but not Short-toed Treecreeper.
Classic Pine forest habitat for Krupers Nuthatch |
Back to the Salt pans where a female type MONTAGUS HARRIER upset the AVOCETS but not the 125+ RUFF, the "best" bird was a CURLEW.
Driving back across country, one of the last birds of the day but the very best bird for me was WRYNECK, a new bird for me on the island.
What will tomorrow bring.
Photos are with a basic "bridge" camera if you want better ones club together to buy me a nice camera :-0