Well yesterday Barney came and went winds locally up to 76mph so quite a rough evening this morning was still overcast and breezy.
Today I went and volunteered with the Millennium Coastal Park (MCP)volunteers at a local place called Morfa Berwig. or Berwick Levels, sounds grand but nothing on the scale of the Newport or Somerset levels but nonetheless a really nice low lying area of wet meadows, reedbeds, ditches and scrub.
Typical habitat at Morfa Berwig |
The area had become derelict a few years ago but through the efforts of MCP, Amphibian and reptile Conservation (ARC) and Keep Wales Tidy it is on its way to becoming a nice and interesting area for wildlife, with an indigenous population of Water Voles on site.
The site needs some grazing so today we were making one of the fields stock proof again.
Despite the on off rain the job was done and finished.