Friday, 11 September 2015

Friday 11th September 2015

I tried the moth trap for the first time last night, not the most successful session I have enjoyed with less than 50 moths mostly Large yellow underwing, a Garden Dart and Garden Carpet the highlights.

WWT Llanelli was more successful with 289 Redshank, 33 Greenshank c100 Knot 2 Spotted Redshank, 1 Ruff ♀, 33 Wigeon, and 2 Peregrines, an immature ♀ and an adult ♂

Flight shots are not easy on a "bridge" camera especially when trying to photograph the fastest bird in the world

just landed,

Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff and Knot

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Thursday 10th September 2015

Not a lot going on today, but 33 Little Egrets in the Loughor river was pretty good.

Most of the 33 Little Egrets

Pied Wagtail male

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Tuesday 8th September 2015

A two hour drive, then a three and a half hour flight and then another 2 hour drive didn't put me off leaving the house at 5:30am today to go ringing!!!!

I went to my own site at Sandy Water Park, to ring in a piece of mixed woodland/scrub/grassland.

For a first visit, not knowing the best sites for the nets it was a short productive session with only 10 birds caught.

Six male Blackcaps, and two male Goldcrests plus a Wren and a blackbird made up the small catch but valuable lessons learned.

There were also four Mistle Thrushes, four Siskins and a Great Spotted Woodpecker around.


Juvenile male Blackcap

1st September - 7th September 2015

A family holiday in Halkadiki, Greece, little time for any birding but a few nice species seen:

Icterine Warbler, Red-backed Shrike, Hoopoe, Marsh Harrier, Sardinian Warbler, Eastern Olivaceous Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Pallid Swift, Cirl Bunting, these were the best of the bunch.

Male Cirl Bunting

Bee-eater colony  nest site  ( not in use )

Insects included lots of unidentified butterflies, (from the sunbed) Praying mantis spp, Stick Insect spp., plus Southern Darter.

Praying Mantis

Southern Darter??

Stick insect??

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Saturday 29th August 2015

Constant Effort Site session 12, Heather and I met at 05:30 am and had all the nets up by 06:10hrs.

It was a very quiet session with only 17 caught, including Treecreeper, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Robin, Wren!!, Blue Tit Dunnock, Blackbird and the star was a first for the site a Green Woodpecker.


Juvenile Cetti's Warbler

There were plenty of dragonflies around including darters, and hawkers.

Migrant Hawker, Aeshna mixta

The six hour session ended at 12:00pm.

Adult Chiffchaff, adults undergo a complete moult after breeding. with a full set of new feathers this bird is ready for that journey across the Mediterranean.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Thursday 27th Augusr 2015

This morning was quality over quantity at Sandy Water Park, with a Lesser Whitethroat, a Rook, and Three Mistle Thrushes.

The adult Little Grebe was busily fishing

Little Grebe

Little Grebe

Exciting plans 2025

  Croeso pawb, I mentioned that I had some exciting plans for 2025, as ever funding will always be the major influencer, but I have to be co...